10 HOUR DIGITAL TRAINING: Advanced Katonah Techniques

on ZOOM, June 18, 19 + 20


Join Kyle and Josie for an advanced Katonah Yoga digital training designed to take you deeper!!  Of course, all levels are welcome, but we specifically designed this 10 hour for people who have some exposure to the material already.  If you can't attend some or any of the live sessions, recordings will be available for 2 weeks, so don't let that hold you back!  


Tues: 12-3:30pm PST, 3-6:30pm EST

Wed: 12-3:30pm PST, 3-6:30pm EST

Thurs: 12-3:30pm PST, 3-6:30pm EST

What to expect:

-Advanced Katonah Asana 

-Pole work 

-Chair work

-Katonah Adjustments 

-Magic Square with Glands

-8 Spoke Wheel of Achievement 

-Advanced Pranayama 


“Kyle, Alex, and Josie are phenomenal teachers. They blew me away the entire time, and I learned a ton. Thanks so much!” - John S.

“Transformational! The training had it ALL! Wherever you are in your Katonah experience this retreat will take you forward! Kyle, Alex and Josie will meet you where YOU are in a very supportive, insightful and fun way! I chose this training because I have done several other live/virtual classes/trainings with all 3 of them - they're some of my favorite Katonah teachers and I wanted an immersive live experience with a known quantity; they delivered and then A LOT MORE! The mix of movement/practice, theory, insight, discussion and community was perfectly balanced energetically through each day and over the 4 days . The content and teachers really facilitated adapting the Katonah material in your practice, teaching and life.” - Michelle B.

“Wonder women teaching wonder material! I loved it and am super inspired” - Josie B.